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Searched for "audi tt". Displaying results 1 to 3 of 3.

CAN to UART Interface with driver information system support (DIS) for Audi A3 (8P/8PA) & Audi TT (8J)


This interface allows connection of our latest generation Alpine display units to the Audi A3 (8P/8PA) and Audi TT (8J) electronics.

This makes installation much easier and allows usage of the steering wheel control buttons and vehicle information display with your Alpine product.

Compatible Products: i902Dxx / iLX-702xx / iLX-F903xx / INE-F904xx / INE-W710xx / INE-W720xx / X701Dxx / X702Dxx / X703Dxx / X801Dxx / X802Dxx / X803Dxx / X901Dxx / X902Dxx / X903Dxx

Interfaces APF-X305DU8-OE CAN to UART interface with steering wheel controls support for Fiat Ducato 8 (from MY 2022) with original Fiat radi